What is the Nature of the Academy Work?


 What is the Nature of the Academy’s Work?

What is the Relationship between the Academy and Revolutions?

Will the Training Continue after Revolutions?

How Does the Academy Finance its Activities?


What is the Nature of the Academy Work?

The evolution of  the humankind in the future and their progress is linked to the ability of human societies to find and use a strong scientific base, the science that is needed for a strong civil society; one that can choose a strong executive tool that belongs to it, and has no affiliation with an outside community or a superpower, but working rivalry with the most powerful human societies to deliver its community’s contributions to the global family.

The first practical step is the liberation of all Earthy communities from the forces of tyranny, oppression, and dictatorship. There is no more beneficial than confronting these violent regimes with peaceful “Non-Violent” struggle, which guarantees to rid communities of the tyranny of individuals and groups, and build the strong community that is capable of managing its own affairs, providing a civilized model, whether in the way of change or in the form of the society produced by these sciences.

Accordingly, our field does not stop at the borders of a state, or a revolution here or there, but does not target a particular country or regime, for the scientific work is cross-continent, no country can bound it. It includes the development of a vision for the planet Earth to build a better world, and peaceful action technologies that save the whole world the scourge of violence, without giving a lot of talk about peace while spending billions to develop a violent technology that is not only not useful to the land, but also threatens its survival, and does not contribute to its development and progress, however works on its extinction.

We are an institution of few in the world which boldly swim against the wave of a miserable global stream who is receiving governmental and international support, and fueling violence and racism. So, we decided to contribute to the formation of the new future, the new language of the world, and participate in the great event that will change the face of the world.


 What is the Relationship between the Academy and Revolutions?

The question of revolutions and regimes is from the past; it has nothing to do with the future. We answered this question in the Academy’s literature and studies since nearly eight years, when we discovered the need of societies for a scientific structure about change to guide them in the paths of confusion, and pull them off the dominance of “Despair from Change” or “Resorting to Violence”, thus the focus of our studies was on the empowerment of civil society to enable it to control the political power. The published work today is from the past’s answers, and a historic echo of a scientific, research and teaching efforts we have made over the last eight years.

Planning for revolutions does not take place inside the scientific academies, however it may be heralded by these institutions as a certain prediction supported by science, or its role may be focused on defeating the “Darkness of Despair”by the “Light of Science”, since science solves the mysteries of reality, and help the mind in innovating the means to access the future. Science helps the human to dream, .i.e. to see a reality other than the one he is living. A reality where “Opportunities” lies in, where “New Laws of Act” can be discovered and “Tools of Change” are clearly reflected and scattered on the ground.

When people revolt due to the grievances they are living, despots look for any ploy to convince them that they did not revolt, and that they were merely puppets in the hands of others. Some may be deceived by this trick, but they will rapidly regain their consciousness and confidence in themselves, saying to the dictatorships that people did not kneel down, and did not spoil their peaceful nature under their rule, they can arise on their own, and revolutions do not require the permission of any one. In the meantime, every dictator keeps not believing in his people and has confidence in the existence of hidden fingers! Searching for just fingers, and cannot see the millions of angry faces!


Will the Training Continue after Revolutions?

By having a look at the “Strong Societies” in terms of training and trainers; we find that they seek to be strong by strengthening all their parties, they try to establish a strong government, a strong army, a stable security, and do not try to do so by weakening the rest of society’s components. They are proud of the performance of their personnel and civil institutions and their continuous competition and attempts to register new records through training and practice, and do not see in this a threat to their regime. Thus, society develops through diversified initiatives and training in each area, so training in sports, economy, research, politics, opposition, security, civil service, medicine, engineering…etc.is desirable, and proficiency in any of these areas does not threaten the security of the state and its power, on the contrary it is required in all of these fields.

One of the vital areas that require ascientific service, continuous teaching and training, the immunization of people from the “Susceptibility to Tyranny”, how many years have passed since the French and American revolutions? Why the “Non-Violence Sciences”are still developing in both of these countries through the efforts of institutions and researchers, who work diligently in these areas, make trainings on it, and graduate students in these fields? Neither France nor America did question the feasibility of continuing to teach methods to ensure that the people maintain theirstrength, despite the passage of centuries on both revolutions.

The “Culture of Change” does not end in the strong society by the end of revolution, because the revolution is a “Moment of Birth” for the people to start their way, and preserve their rights. The moment of the overthrow of dictatorships will not be a moment of death for the people, however the beginning of their fortification against the return of dictatorships and retardation, through awareness, understanding and training to establish a political system which respects the Human, a government which serves him, an Army which protects him, and a state which works for him, after the human himself was working for establishing a dictatorial regime that is “Corrupt” and “Corrupting”.

Dictatorships resist science by intimidating the people from its associated training, thus their official horns and media institutions start to play on the strings of intimidation of community and weakening it; so there is no justification for training, the dissenting opinion is involved in foreign agendas, and there is no one abroad or at home but work to bring the country down, etc. of these words and deeds that no longer has a place in the present of countries aroused now by revolutions, as well as in their future.


How Does the Academy Finance its Activities?

The Academy has a philosophy in all its work, one that works to create a strong confident society, and so we have developed our own funding means and designed a training course called "The Art of Starting from Scratch", which we encourage the asker about our funding to attend in order to know how to start a successful project that may seem -at the first glance- does not have the necessary constituents for its success, including the financial funding.

Our philosophy with regard to funding began with the strategy of investing time and talent (the idea of ​​“Time Bank” is spread in places around the world and depend on the “Currency of Time” and not “Money”), where the daily work of any human being is often translated into a material value, and by the end of the working day the opportunities remain open to the conscious character to collect this material value.

Thus, we decided at the Academy to focus on the work that we want to do, to invest our times in it, and to turn it into money.

We started this experiment by trying to get money from our books production that we published in cooperation with the Arab House for Science, which evaluated our idea as “a distinct production expected to succeed marketing wise”. However, this experience proved to us that books will not be translated for us in sums of money, for they could not cover but their own cost.

We started another experiment which is to conduct trainings on our product, so we started with free trainings spending on it from our time and little money that we have saved from our own pockets, and then we started conducting training courses for nominal fees, and we have developed it into short-term, medium, and long term ones. This proved to us that training can translate the time we spend in it into sums of money covering the expenses of training and overflow to spend on other scientific activities.


This was our philosophy until we reached to the point where we were able to pick what we do, which enabled us from maintaining the scientific mission we established ourselves to perform and to invest its returns. We decided to rely on converting our efforts to money, and not resort to any support from any government or entity.

Hence, our experience was consistent with the philosophy of the composition of strong societies which its institutions do not depend on financing, internal or external, because these institutions gain their strength from the conviction of their members, their philosophy and their dedication as a team for their project.

Accordingly, The Academy of Change is a life project lived by three people, and in the Arab world there are millions of similar groups and personalities. We invested our times in this project with simple material potentials and started as an electronic website.Then, this invested time returned back to us in a material form through the training courses held for fees, and a few of which are given free of charge.

The total cost for a project of this type is not big, especially with the prevailing strategy of volunteerism, and working remotely. We have two levels of work in the Academy, the level of “Volunteerism”, and the level of “Symbolic Remunerations”.

The “Field of Studies” is based on voluntarism and symbolic remunerations, while the “Training Field” is based on the income we receive from it since few of the Academy’s courses are free of charge. The“Media Field” is also based on volunteerism. As for The “Publishing and Printing Field”, it is based on partnerships with publishers, so that the printing project funds itself.

The most important results of this experiment is the spread of ideas by entrepreneurs convinced in it around the world, who are mostly people whom we do not know, but we see their impact in many countries. These are the core supporters of the project, who embrace the ideas because they believe in it, and spread it on a large scale that may exceed our expectations. It is a strategy that will increase the project’s partners around the world.

This strategy has proved its effectiveness and the Academy of Change is still working on the voluntary and symbolic rewards basis. Some may wonder about the possibility to provide a model with such style, one which the whole world not only the Arab world talks about, since we receive this question from many of interested people around the world…Who finances you?!

We wanted to prove the possibility of the act, and start from scratch, to show that an idea started by three persons with possibilities that seems non-existent, can have a strong echo, and can be the dearest to the hearts of lovers of change around the world.