More than 60 methods to develop a revolution

One of the advantages of the non-violent uprising against dictatorships is that all types of people, regardless of culture, social background or age, can be take part. Their participation is not necessarily limited to demonstrations and can include a variety of forms.


Means that can be used by an individual


1. Provide food, medicine and other means of support for protestors in the field.


2. Participate in public TV shows and programs.


3. Interaction through the internet and convincing people to get involved.


4. Call five people on a daily basis and convince them to get involved.


5. Deliver speeches and songs to raise the spirit of resistance and spread awareness.  


6.  Make sure all activists in the field are well informed of updates of breaking news.


7.  Send cell phone messages to raise public awareness.


8.  Display posters for the support of the revolution in your area of residence.


9. Convince your neighbors of the importance of supporting the revolution.


10.Art work.


11.Wear clothes that carry the logo of the revolution.


12.Display flags.


13.Display pictures.


14.Befriend and open dialogue with the military and police.


15.Shut down privately-owned businesses and encourage employees to go on strike.


16.Provide financial support for certain activities or  for the poor and the needy who are affected by the revolution.


17.Social boycott for antagonists  of the revolution from your social circle , without being  edgy, but to serve the purpose of making a paradigm shift/ shake their conscience (not sure what this means).


18.Send faulty reports to decision makers.


 Means undertaken by groups (3-5 people)


1. Paint walls to augment protests.


2. Send metaphorical messages to decision makers, such as by putting skulls in front of certain locations.


3. Change the names of streets to ones that carry names of martyrs to convey the  spirit of revolution.


4. Send ironical gifts to some government personnel, such as the Oscar for best performance of fraud for media personnel.


5.  Employ the use of popular art, theatre and music.


6.Campaigns for addressing the neighborhood and raising their awareness.


7.Make fake issues of one of the formal newspapers (that carries satirical news).


8.Display signs of the revolution in main streets.


9.Sing and address people taking public transportation.


10.Air balloons in banned locations.


11.Close some streets with cars.


12.Form a shadow government.


13.Renounce a new constitution.


14. Sabotage employees on their way to work.

means undertaken by thousands


1. Close some streets in a symbolically.


2. Protest around buildings with special significance.


3. Dynamic protest … enter buildings and touring to create chaos.


4. Form humane bulldozers to stop suppressive militant forces.


5. Protest in the streets.


6. Strike action inside companies.


7. Sabotage progress in governmental institutions.


8. Wear masks like the ones from the movie V for Vendetta .


9. Send delegations to people in charge to create pressure .


10.Go after people in charge through telephones and in their work places.


11.Boycott people in charge and use anti-revolution symbols: to be implemented by neighbors, colleagues, and salespeople.


12.Start a march that ends at a place of significance.


13.Car demonstrations.


14.Bike and motorbike demonstrations.


15.Boat demonstrations.


16.Public overwhelming services like gathering with huge numbers to ask for a certain service.


17.Withdrawal of deposits by VIPs .


18.The disobedience of employees in public organizations.


19.Public trials of criminals.


20.Conduct a mock voting session and decide on a place for announcing the results.


21.Head to the airport in a group to call for immigration reform, carrying suitcases in a symbolic way.


22.Boycott buying products from pro-government businessmen.


23.Boycott selling property to pro-government people.


24.Instead of demonstrations, working for the interest of resistance, so the calls companies send sms instead of sabotaging them and instead of strikes if the employees of the workers in the TV, they address a speech for the good of the revolution, Aside from demonstrations, make calls and send sms messages to employees in the television business, calling on them to give better coverage.



Means conducted by millions:  

1.Withhold payments of electricity and water bills.


2.Damaging some personal papers that won’t cause chaos later like electricity bills.


3.Stop paying fees or fines.


4.Celebrate new days like the day of the martyr, the day of the revolution.


5.Boycott formal public and national holidays.


6.The disobedience of unjust laws.


7.Open civil disobedience in all different fields.


8.Head towards places with important significance.

 By Academy of Change

Translated By Rawan Malhis