
When we look at the world map, and see the continents stabilized to form a global island surrounded by water from every side, we recognize the magnitude of the role that is required to make major shifts. For the land was not fragmented in this way, If it was not for the shakes, earthquakes, and cracks, the land would have stayed a single block, and we would not have seen this map that we know today.


Civilized transformations in turn require quakes to reshape the face of the Human Civilization, to draw on it the finest and most cheerful colors, and give it features of hope and determination.

When the challenges faced by nations and societies grow, and those societies look forward to move towards the future, the occurrence of a minds quake become inevitable, where the mind is re-formed in a new way, the definition of possible and impossible changes, and the assumptions and previous patterns of thinking, in which these challenges were generated, decline. This quake is the one which renews the vitality of the mind, re-sort the ideas, and innovate building a bridge that will carry societies over to the future.

Thus, the future of humanity depends on the ability of its existing institutions and societies to respond and interact with the minds quake, and the process of building this capacity is what we call the "Management of the Future"…The role that has been addressed by the Academy of Change.

The philosophy of the management of the future is the strategic episode in societies’ development programs which the work of the Academy of Change provides to build the mental capacity of societies in order to draw its bright promising future based on the values ​​of reconstruction, justice and cohesion, and arm them with the tools of change and civilized transformation.

The Academy is proud to work in the development of the production of the sciences of change, and to be among the first to write in Arabic in these areas, for it is a scientific research institute that contributes in the establishment of new theories and insights about the nature of shifts and future prospects. This realization of the importance of managing the future has led to strategic alliances between the Academy and international institutions, which will make these sciences and theories, become an integral part of the future science.

The Academy adopts the model of the educated practical institution in the development process, where its theories are subject to trial and then it benefits from the resulting assessments. Also, the ideas and theories were discussed with the people of specialization of Arabian and International university professors, political activists on the ground, and experts in the same area of ​​research.

We hope that the Academy will become the destination of lovers of change and civilized transformation from different ideologies, religions, ethnic backgrounds and nationalities.


About the Academy (Purpose and Objectives)

A scientific research institute with Arabian passion and global activity, concerned with providing the mind with the social and political action tools to be able to practice change and civilized transformation. It was founded in London in March 2006. Then the Doha branch was established in September 6, 2009. (Its activity was frozen in June 2010, then it was closed in June 2012), and then Vienna branch was established in May 1, 2010.

It is a non-profit organization that bases its work on voluntary efforts in addition to the income from the activities it performs. It is also an independent youth initiative, which is not subject in its support to any state or political party.

The Purpose

The provision of scientific research that builds the capacity of societies to become civilized.



Scientific Research – Training – Consulting



1 – Spread the culture of change, the evolving methodologies of thinking and strategies of civilized transformation.

2 – Provide the scientific instruments that contribute to the creation of civilized revolutions in the world of social and political act.

3 – Train the staff of the civil society organizations, political parties and individuals on strategies and means of change.

4 – Provide consultations to governments, institutions, parties and individuals that seek to develop their societies.


The Main Research Themes in the Academy:


Studies at the academy are set out through research teams distributed over three groups:

The Revolution of Minds Group

Means of Change Group

The Revolution of Projects Group 

The Revolution of Minds Group

Its role is the development of methodologies of thinking in general, since the tools of change and development may be available in a society but the mind is the one who is reluctant to use them, or it may be haunted by some of the ideas that hamper the change, or it may have correct methodologies of thinking that needs to be supported and reinforced. Accordingly, this group is concerned about the development of methodologies of thinking by supporting what is useful, pruning what needs to be treated, and rooting out what does not fit a mind that believes in change.

This topic is considered as one of the major themes to the Academy of Change, including researches related to re-supplying the mind with advanced methodologies of thinking qualifying societies for creating future responses appropriate to the challenges they face, and then these researches focus on arranging the general map of knowledge, the core intellectual premises, and the methods and skills of thinking for each one addressing the process of change.

Means of Change Group


We mean by this the tools of social action, if sound methodologies of thinking were available in the mind it will start a scientific research about the practical tools of change, our studies display the tools of the act of change on three levels:

(1) Researches on Philosophy, the Culture of Change, and Civilized Transformations.

(2) Researches on the Strategies of Change and Civilized Transformations.

(3) Researches on Tactics, Means of Change, and Cultural Transformations.


(1) Researches on Philosophy, the Culture of Change, and Civilized Transformations:

This theme includes research related to the nature and philosophy of civilized transformations in all its social and political fields…etc, how to determine the state of civilization that one society is going through, how to determine the nature and the conflict’s complex or the transformation and change process this society is going through, and the necessary culture for the transformation project, as well as how to build a clear philosophy for the transformative projects.

In Addition, it deals with some important concepts such as dictatorship, racism, sectarianism, ideology, citizenship, freedom, solidarity, humanitarian solidarity, and human rights.


(2) Researches on the Strategies of Change and Civilized Transformations:

This theme includes research on the major strategies for the process of change and civilized transformation, and how to build the capacity to shape the strategic frameworks in order to manage the transformative process.

(3) Researches on Tactics, Means of Change, and Cultural Transformations:

To complete the research in the sciences of change, the academy studies the tactics and transformative tools, shows its advantages and disadvantages, and their compatibility with the scientific map and the strategic frameworks for the transformative process.

The Revolution of Projects Group

1) Studies on the nature of influential and effective projects in the development of societies.

2) Presenting studies and models for projects that contribute to the development of societies.

Who is the Targeted Audience?


The human mind everywhere with its various ideologies, religions and nationalities.


Methodology of Research

The academy is keen to encourage scientific research and desire for science, and so it charted for itself an intermediate approach between the traditional academic writing which is hard to be digested by the normal reader, and the simple easy writing. It also cares for providing the practically useful scientific tools away from the lengthy writings which the reader does not come out of by a practical idea.

It also seeks to convert the research material to a variety of formats enhancing the process of prevalence and circulation with wide sectors of research organizations, intellectuals, scholars and readers through the following means:


1 – Scientific Studies          2 – Literary Publications       3 –Cultural Writings

4 – Visual Videos              5 – Audio Books                   6 – Songs that simplify Ideas.

7 – E-Games                     8 – Competitions                   9 – Programs and Series

10 – Training Courses and Distance Education.

11 – The use of the latest findings of modern science illustrative scientific techniques.


Consequently, the research material gets out of its rigid template to one that the public can interact with and demand,to encourage learning the future sciences.